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End of the year event

30 Nov 2016
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Tapas Night – Wednesday 30th November

The end of the year is fastly approaching and we sadly have to farewell Gisella and her husband who are moving to the North Island! We will miss her dearly but we know great opportunities are waiting for them. All the best for them! They do deserve a great farewell – I am hoping it is … see you soon! – so we are hosting an end of the year Tapas Night on Gisella’s honour on 30th November at 7.30 to 8.30pm. If you are coming… please check the details on our Facebook page. Come along and say Hasta luego! Bring something to eat/ drink and share. Gisella Morassut

Eva and Laura – together with the help of Bridie too – will be able to cope with all our courses and classes but we are looking for a qualified teacher to join us in 2017. Do you know anybody interested? I am in the lookout, spread the word!

Feliz navidad & Feliz año nuevo!

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