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25 Sep 2013

Excellent Grammar Books!

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Cuadernos de Gramática Española – Editorial Difusión

Grammar book suitable for Beginners students

If you are on one of the Beginners 1, 2 or 3 courses and want to practise more at home, this is the book you must have!
We especially like the CD that comes with it which will help you with pronunciation, listening and speaking – areas that most students would agree are very tricky to practice at home. The 18 topics are divided into:

  1. Sonidos, letras y ortografía – Sounds & spelling
  2. Los numerales – Numerals
  3. Los sustantivos – Nouns
  4. Los adjetivos – Adjectives
  5. Los artículos – Articles
  6. Los demostrativos – Demonstratives – You can download a sample unit from Editorial Difusión here.
  7. Los posesivos – Possessives
  8. Los cuantificadores – Quantifiers
  9. La interrogación – Questions
  10. Los pronombres personales – Personal pronouns
  11. Las preposiciones – Prepositions
  12. El presente del indicativo – The Present Tense
  13. El infinitivo – The Infinitive
  14. El pretérito perfecto – The Preterite Perfect
  15. El pretérito indefinido – The Indefinite
  16. Las construcciones impersonales – The Impersonal
  17. Ser, estar, hay – Verb to Be
  18. Los conectores – Conectors

The book can be used as self study. Students can find the answers and transcriptions of the dialogues in the CD at the back of the book.  The book can also be used as a follow up of our classes. Please let the teacher know you have the book so she can guide you on how to use it and what topics would benefit you more. Otherwise, the student can look for the topic he is interested in and work on it independently. The student doesn’t have to follow the order the topics are presented in the book.

In the Mundo Plurilingüe exercises the student has the chance to make a comparison between Spanish and English or any other languages he speaks.

Cuaderno de Gramatica A2

Grammar book suitable for Pre-Intermediate students

If you are not sure which one is suitable for you, please ask us for help. We will be able to show you the books and guide you.

You can buy the book in the The Book Depository.


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