Clothes 2 – A la víbora de la mar
More information on how to practise with this song and others in our classes for children: Children + parents and School Age children (all classes are using the same material but different age classes are carefully planned to address children’s development, abilities and interests). Practising at home is an important part of learning Spanish, the best way is to play and have fun!
Note: We are not using the full version of the song yet in class.
La víbora de la mar (lit. The sea snake) is a traditional singing game originating in Spain. It is a popular children’s game in Mexico and Latin America.
The game: Children form a line holding each others’ waist or clothing, and two other children raise their arms together to form an arch. Of the two children forming the arch, one of them is “Melón” ( melon) the other is “Sandía.” (Watermelon)
The children begin to sing the song, as the “snake” begins to run (without separating) passing repeatedly under the arch. The lyrics of the song are such that the last of the word of each stanza can be repeated at will, and the children might decide to bring the arch down to “capture” someone. The fun in the game is not knowing when the arch will fall, “capturing” one of the children.
The children who form the arch then ask: “With whom will you stay? Melón or Sandía?” The captured child must then queue up next to the “fruit” of his choice, thereby forming another arch through which the line must pass.
Once all children that formed the original line are divided between “melón” and “sandía”, the resulting queues must compete in a game of tug of war.