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28 Sep 2015

End of the term tests (self-assessment)

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All adult students are encourage to take a self-assessment test on campus.difusion.com. This is complementary material which is advised to be used together with your student book: Aula Internacional – Nueva Edicion 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Select the book you are using and find the suitable test related to the content you have covered in the course.

Follow these steps to register and solve the self – assessment test:

campus difusion 1

Log in Campus.difusion.com






  1. Click on the image to register and be able to use the resources – this is a free resource.
  2. Choose your preferred language if you need.
  3. Select your book and save it – it will be saved in My courses
  4. Have a look at the material offered split in different units and select the self-assessment test suitable for the units you have covered in class.
campus difusion 2

Solve the test!!







You will also be able to find:

*answers for “Mas Ejercicios”



*your book’s audios in MP3 form




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