La familia – nivel A1
used in Beginners 2 course
Aula Internacional 1 – Unit 5 is about learning vocabulary and phrases related to describing people, talk about their likes and interests and also talk about our families. In lesson 4 and 5 Beginners 2 you will learn vocabulary related to family relationships.
‘Salida’ is the start of the game. Use a dice and counters to play the game. You have to find the correct family word to complete the sentence, if it is incorrect you lose your turn and go back where you were before. All the family words to be used are in the middle of the board:
- marido: husband
- esposa/ mujer: wife
- padre: father
- madre: mother
- abuelo: grandfather
- abuela: grandmother
- hermano: brother
- hermana: sister
- hijo: son
- hija: daughter
- tio: uncle
- tia: aunt
- sobrino: nephew
- sobrina: niece
- nieto: grandson
- nieta: gandaughter
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