0800-ESPANOL (0800 3772665)

18 Jan 2013

Podcasts for Intermediate students

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Suitable for advanced Beginners to Intermediate students

Gracias Margo (intermediate student) for your always interesting Spanish websites and resources. ‘News in slow Spanish‘ is certainly a fantastic free online resource where you can listen (and read if you subscribe) to up-to-date news. There are two versions: slow  and fast. We would recommend this website for students that have finished our Beginners courses (1, 2 and 3). Listen to them online or download onto your computer or on i-tunes! You can also find a Grammar catalogue; an Expressions catalogue and a section for children. The free versions are excellent!

From “News in Slow Spanish’…’In our course we emphasize all aspects of language learning from listening comprehension, rapid vocabulary expansion, exposure to Spanish grammar and common idiomatic expressions, to pronunciation practice and interactive grammar exercises. In our program we discuss the Weekly News, Spanish grammar, and Spanish expressions, and much more in simplified Spanish at a slow pace so that you can understand almost every word and sentence. Our Spanish Podcast and Spanish lessons published on our website contain hundreds of learning lessons from beginning to intermediate Spanish’.

La ratita presumida – A story for children, you can watch and read it. It is ‘muy bueno’ for adults too!

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