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15 Oct 2012

South American destinations in the New Zealand Herald

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Farmhand Bilinga takes no nonsense from sheep being penned for drenching and vaccinations. Photo / Geoff Cumming

In the Uruguayan countryside, Geoff Cumming embraces the philosophy of South America’s original cowboys. Click here to read the  article in the New Zealand Herald.

Your first glimpse of Machu Picchu can never be recreated. Photo / Getty Images

Walking in the footsteps of the ancient Incas among the ruins at Machu Picchu was a surreal experience for Anna Leask. Click here to read the  article in the New Zealand Herald.

Blue footed boobies on the Galapagos. Photo / Thinkstock

An encounter with ancient creatures of the Galapagos. Click here to read the  article in the New Zealand Herald.


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