Material we use in our children classes
Online games in Spanish to practise content seen in class – computers & ipads
- Ladbrooks School
- Beckenham School
- Tai Tapu School
- Fendalton Open-air School
- Lincoln Primary
- Thorrington School
- Hola & chau songs
- Welcome – bienvenidos
- Arriba, abajo – up & down action song
- Parts of the body: Chuchua
- Parts of the body: Mi cuerpo hace musica
- Parts of the body: Mi carita redondita
- Zoo Animals – Un elefante se balanceaba, Dicen las jirafas, Zas el cocodrilo
- Farm animals – Vengan a ver mi granja
- Numbers 1 – 10 Little indians
- Colours & numbers
- Clothes – La ropa: Juguemos en el bosque, A la vibora de la mar, U la la
- Comida – food: Un tallarin, Fruta, El twist de los alimentos
- King & Queen stories
- Fruit & vegetables 1: The very hungry Caterpillar
- Fruit & vegetables 2\
- Vegetables & animals + actions: La ronda de los conejos
- Alphabet (I spy… Veo, veo..)
- Months of the year
- Seasons
- Transport
- A school day: daily routines
- The vowels & the alphabet: AEIOU action song
- Days of the week
- Verb conjugations
- Birthday song & food
- Mother’s day
- Valentine’s day
- Christmas 1
- Christmas 2
- Easter: La ronda de los conejos
- Books
- Cantando con Adriana
- Más canciones en Español – Music with Sara
- Basho & friends
- Spotify – Children 2 & 3 years old