Kings and Queens
En busca de la princesa Prota y del dragón Fiu: Las aventuras del caballera Rufus y el fantasma Hu from Anabel Conago and Fátima Collado.
We have been reading this wonderful story during our classes. We usually have one story per term to work with.
Children love to listen to stories and although, they can’t understand every word the storyteller says it’s a good exercise to see how much they can understand and remember. As well as showing them it is fun! After listening to the story, we like to share our views and comment on the characters too…
¿Cuál es tu personaje favorito? Mi personaje favorito es el dragón porque es bueno…
(What’s your favourite character? My favourite character is the dragon because he is good…)
¿Te gusta la historia? Sí, me gusta.
(Do you like the story? Yes, I like it)
¿Mucho o poco? Mucho!!
(A lot or a little? A lot!!!)
You can colour El caballero Rufus (Rufus the knight) using the colours in the sheet…