3 – Mi profesión
This is a little video from the first episode of Betty la fea (Ugly Betty) filmed in Colombia in 1999.
Watch the video and pick the words you think are related to it:
clase – estudiante – libro – jefe – secretaria – mesa – papel – asistente – mujer – hombre – español – linda – fea – recepcionista – CV – experiencia – modelo – revista – moda – entrevista – policía – oficina – teléfono – hoja de vida –
The introduction is just for you to become familiar with the topic, don’t look up the words you don’t understand from the list yet! You can do so after you finish with all the exercises.
There are many words you won’t understand from the video, don’t worry! It is a good idea to familiarise you with the sound of native speakers even when you can’t understand everything, the exercises that follow won’t ask you questions like… what did she say? The idea is to train you little by little to overcome the barrier of “I can’t do that ‘cause I don’t know enough!”. You will understand more and more if you keep listening to Spanish speakers whether they are native speakers or not.
If you are not a beginner and you are watching this video, great!! Good listening practise!
Song: “Se dice de mi” – more exercises for beginners
If you were going to interview Betty… you could ask her What does she do? What’s her job?…
TU: ¿A qué te dedicas? /¿Cuál es tu trabajo?
Betty: Yo soy secretaria.
TU: ¿Eres modelo?
Betty: No, no soy modelo. Yo no soy linda, soy fea.
TU: ¿Eres recepcionista?
Betty: No, no soy recepcionista. Yo soy secretaria.
Grammar: Present tense, Qualifying adjectives linda/fea
Functional language: Asking & giving information about occupation
Cultural contents: Work, School
Ability: Speaking
Objective: Students will learn vocabulary related to the work place and distinguish between work and school vocabulary; ask and answer the question ¿A qué te dedicas? /¿Cuál es tu trabajo?; Si/ No questions.