June newsletter
We are finishing the courses in term 2. We are very happy to see all the efforts students are putting into the classes. It is very important to do your homework and practise at home, to see faster results, there are many options in our website and our Facebook page. ‘Like’ our Facebook page to receive posts and practise along with our suggestions: just reading would be part of your practice. Remember, we highly recommend you to listen to Spanish at home, use your work book CD or watch the videos we have on our site. Listening helps you speak!!!
Remember to send your end of the term test to your teacher or meet her for a quick chat to talk about your progress. Dates and times are usually the following week after your 8 week course, the teacher will confirm it with you on the last date of your course.
The schedule is up on our website for all children and adult courses starting in Term 3, click here to see them all. You have to enrol ‘rápido’ as some of the courses have limited spaces. Especially the ones held in our studio.
Recommended read… 10 ways to improve your speaking – A must read!!!
Please enrol on our website if you intend to enrol. Paying your fees will secure your place in the course, there is a lot of interest in courses and some have limited spaces available.
Adult courses – courses starting 29th July, 1st, 2nd & 3th May
New material to practise…
Videos for Beginners 1 & 2 – Introductions, countries and people These videos are from editorial Difusión. Although two of the videos don’t have subtitles in Spanish they are an excellent resource to practise your listening and and even speaking. If you have done Beginners 1, you will be able to understand most of the words and phrases used: you will understand the gist of it…
Videos for Beginners 1 & 2 – Food & drinks ¿Qué es un pincho? – What is a ‘pincho’? Why don’t you watch this video and find out? Pinchos are typically from Northern Spain especially the Basque country. This video is part of El DVD de Aula Internacional; it is entirely in Spanish with Spanish subtitles as the sample you can watch here… (continue reading here).
Movie night
I would like to organise a movie night on Friday 28/06 at Hollywood 3 to watch ‘Everybody Has a Plan’ -‘ Todos tenemos un Plan’ (watch the trailer here). Vigo Mortesen (acting in the fluent Spanish he learned during his childhood in Argentina) Everybody Has a Plan is a thriller set in the lawless backwaters of Argentina’s Tigre Delta: a tale of identical twins (both played by Mortensen) and stolen identity, with a tender love story at its heart.
Mortensen has long wanted to do an Argentinian movie. “I’d always thought I’d love to be able to say I’m part of its movie history,” he says. And when the script – by first-time director Ana Piterbarg – came his way, he jumped at it. “It was one of the better ones I’d read in a long time: tight, well structured, very original.” Such was his belief in it that he decided to produce it, too: “I wanted to help shepherd it, to make sure Ana’s vision was taken into account.” And, just for good measure, he even oversaw the English subtitles as well, ensuring they conveyed the subtleties that are so often lost in translation.
The movie is in Spanish with English subtitles. Watch the trailer here.
We will meet in Hollywood 3 Summer at 7.45 pm on Friday 28/06 and go for a coffee at the end of the movie. Tickets are $14 per student.
If you’d like to come along send us a message through the contact page.
Children courses – starting 5th, 6th & 7th August
Children classes are starting on the second week of the term, the week of 13th May in our studio, Salsa Latina, Beckenham School. The full schedule and fees are on the website. Note: we are adding a new extra time for Children + parents course 4 & 5 years old.
New material to listen, watch or have fun… (you can find them in Spanish for children)
Animals 1 The first topic of term 2 is animals. Among other activities, we have worked with this song, one of my favourites. Different age groups have worked this song in different ways.
Animales 2 Dicen que las jirafas – song. This is our second week learning the animals. This is the song we sang in class to sing and practise at home. It is a slightly longer version than the one we sing in class. ¿Te gusta? Si, me gusta! / No, no me gusta!
Clothes 1 – Juguemos en el bosque ‘Juguemos en el bosque, mientras el lobo no esta’ – Let’s play in the forest while the wolf is not there. If you come from Latin America or Spain, you would remember this game for sure.
Clothes 2 – A la víbora de la mar More information on how to practise with this song and others in our classes for children: Children + parents and School Age children (all classes are using the same material but different age classes are carefully planned to address children’s development, abilities and interests).
There are some testimonials on our website too. Would you like to recommend Speak Spanish to others? We really appreciate your comments in our website and TradeMe services listing. You can also send your comments using the contact form.
Keep Speaking Spanish!!
Hasta luego!
Speak Spanish