0800-ESPANOL (0800 3772665)

23 May 2016

Parent’s guide – frequent words sets

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Some children in our Spanish Clubs are taking frequency words sets home this week.

Frequency words sets

Frequency words sets

Frequency words sets

Frequency words sets

Adults could find this sets useful too.

Working together will be very helpful – try to do at least 15 – 20 minutes a week: we are planning to help their reading, writing, pronunciation, sentence building and understanding by using these sets.

What to do at home?
We would like children to read, understand and practice writing these words. Parents please help if necessary. Do you need translation? Please ask us.
Children are NOT required to know a certain amount of words in a term, once they know and are able to use them, we will provide the following set.

What to do next?
Help them make phrases (using 2 words) or sentences. They can write them down or just say them.
Cut up magazines to illustrate the meaning of these words; print out photos or images on the internet.
Make a frequent word book.
Find these words in a book you are reading – ‘cuaderno / libro viajero’ (travelling book/ notebook)

What if they already know all the words in the set?
Knowing the words means they can read them, they know what they mean (be careful here… it’s ok to translate a little but try to avoid it; in order to avoid translation they could try to use them in a context). Please ask for the next set if they need it.

Download here – Frequent words – set 1

Download here – Frequent words – set 2

Download here – Frequent words – set 3

Download here – Frequent words – set 4

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