Shapes – song
Click here to download the lyrics of Shapes – Formas geometricas & its translation.
Here you have some ideas to practice the shapes at home:
- Use legos or building blocks to build something your children love: un avion (a plane), un auto (a car), an animal, etc.
- Place this big flashcards on the ground and ask children to find objects with this form at home. Give them some time and play with others if possible.
- Colour the flashcards and play: Yo tengo… (I have…)A: Yo tengo… (I have…) un triángulo.¿Quién tiene un triangulo?
Child: Yo! (me) / Yo tengo un… triangulo. ( I have a triangle) - Ratoncitos (little mice) – vocabulary needed: un raton – one mouse; dos ratones – two mice; un gato – a cat… we make 5 mice using the shapes and then we can sing the song to practice numbers 1-5 and the vocabulary listed.
Lyrics & translation options if needed – you can also find the song in Spotify
More material to practice shapes: Mi carita (my round face) – use the shapes to draw a face