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25 Aug 2015

What did you do on your holidays? – ¿Que hiciste en tus vacaciones?

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I just came back from the most amazing holidays. Thanks Celia & Gisella for covering my classes!!

I was thinking how to make a useful post to talk about my holidays in Spanish, of course and came across with this great video on YouTube (great to hear a different accent too!)

How to work with this video on your own:

  1. Watch & listen. Find out how many people are answering the question.
  2. Watch & listen for the second time. Find out who studied on their holidays.
  3. Watch & listen for the third time. Find out who spent time with their family or friends.
  4. Watch & listen for the forth time. Make a list of activities they each one did.

Download the answers and the transcription for the video here.

Did you find it useful? Write a comment here. Gracias!


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